
Darrol Shillingburg

I found this great new website today when I was looking for information about gardening durring Las Cruces' monsoon season (July- October). Though I didn't find any definitive information about monsoon related problems, I found a great resource!
Darrol Shillingburg is an avid Art enthusiast (he worked as a museum curator for many years) and Master Gardener here in Las Cruces. On his site he has his own "Art Web" depicting his own artwork, and also a "Garden Web" which has articles he has written for the Master Gardener monthly newsletter, my personal favorite being the annual planting chart for Las Cruces- If only I had found this in January!!!

He has compiled excelent resources, including a local food guide (though it looks as though it hasn't been updated in a while.) That highlights "knowing it", "finding it", "growing it" and "handling it".

I am glad that someone is able to compile information about local slow food.

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